Rambøll Interactive is Rambøll's newly developed platform for interactive visualization and digital twins

The game engine Unreal Engine is a market leading design and production tool for high-quality real-time renderings. Based on this engine we have developed an interactive presentation model that maintains a very high visual quality and combined with sensor data serves as an advanced fully 3D Digital Twin. Unreal Engine allows us to create and develop interactive experiences of tailored scenarios unique to each project. From 3D visualization and cinematic experiences to interactive project and design analyses, Unreal Engine gives us the ability to turn the customer’s ideas into reality.

Below you can see a selection of projects where we have provided this service

NTNU Campussamling

Rødskjær harbor and business park

Brynje Wind Farm

Modalen Wind park

Ringeriksbanen and E16


Drangsvann – Byggetrinn 2