NTNU Campussamling

Client: Statsbygg
Year : 2021-2025
Consultant: Ramboll, C.F. Moller Architects and Aas Jackobsen
Location: Trondheim, Norway

The development, which will make it possible for NTNU to collect large parts of its operations in Trondheim around Gløshaugen, will be carried out through seven sub-projects; Economics and innovation (P1), Materials technology (P2), Logistics center (P3), Music, art and media science (P4), Main building (P5), Humanities and social sciences (P6) and Infrastructure and landscape (P0). For each of these sub-projects, a construction program has been prepared which forms the basis for further development and the implementation of the development.

The visualization team at Rambøll has here a large city model of the whole of Trondheim in the Rambøll Interactive platform, which is updated weekly with the latest designs from the project